“4 minutes” Mr. Elsean’s choreography

Age Range:

Hello Dancers, This is the choreography to Mr. Elsean’s Group. Remember that I have given you parts to this dance. Take your time and listen to the music.

Acting on Stage vs Acting in a Zoom Film
Jeff Edmond

Age Range: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 9:31

Theatre coach Jeff Edmond discusses with his students the difference between acting on the stage and acting in a Zoom film/film. He asks their opinions and feelings about each. Jeff and Lawrence Rush Musical Director add their own expertise and experiences to the conversation.

All About Me! Five Senses Day 3
Celia Vasquez
E-Learning and Virtual Summer Camp
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1
Duration: 2 hrs

In the third day of camp of cam Ms Celia discover the sense of smell. We had fun balancing in martial arts and learning new songs in Music class

All About Me! Five Senses Day 4
Corinne Torres
E-Learning and Virtual Summer Camp
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1
Duration: 2 hors

In the fourth day of camp we discover our sense of hear. We explore music and sounds with Ms Rasheka and learn about Jackson Pollock

Basic Tap with Jeff
Jeff Edmond
Age Range: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 25:14

Join Jeff Edmond, veteran musical theater instructor, as we walks kids and parents through a tap dance “Basics” class. Great for your fitness! Musical_Theater

Be Our Guest - Musical Theater Practice

Age Range:

Beach Background Theme- Ukulele

Age Range:

Land Ho' Mateys!! Welcoming all ye' pirates and landlubbers to argh' performance this Friday! The music program will be performing with Musical Theater this Friday at 4pm for a treasure hunting adventure on the high seas. Let's dive right into the Ukulele part for the beach scene! Strum C chord, F chord, G chord, and C chord 4 times each. Practice switching between chords as fast as you can.

Blues in the Closet

Age Range:

Check out the original Bud Powell recording in the link, and a video of me demonstrating the melody. This song is being taught aurally (So noooo music!)

Blues in the Closet (Backgrounds)

Age Range:

This weeks students are being introduced to jazz! Along with learning the melody, students are also learning backgrounds I wrote. Check out the original Bud Powell recording in the link, and a video demonstrating. This song is being taught aurally (So noooo music!) (The first student portal lesson on improvisation will be out soon!) Happy Practicing :)

Bout It Group 1

Age Range:

Hi Team! This is the second part of the dance with the first 6 dancers. You know who you are! Practice your timing, use the music, don’t rush, have fun and SMILE!

Bout It Group 2

Age Range:

Hi Team! This is the section of the dance with my four girls. You know who you are! Please prepare yourselves to enter on time. Watch this video as many times as you need for timing and accuracy. Use the music to help you with both! Have fun and SMILE!

Cinco de Mayo with Ms.Celia
Celia Vasquez
Age Range: Pre-K, K
View PDF
Duration: 11:18

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Ms.Celia teaches all about Cinco de Mayo and how it began. We talk about different music, foods, and parties during Cinco de Mayo and learn where in Mexico they celebrate this holiday. Ms.Celia teaches us about a special toy a "piñata" and how to draw one step by step. We end by listening to one of her favorite songs and coloring in our drawing!

Circle Time and Music with Ms.Celia
Celia Vasquez
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 53:02

This week Ms.Celia talks about kindness, patience, and the difference between sounds in Circle Time and Music. We started off by talking about the days of the week and celebrated the first day of May! We talked about the weather and how rainy it was this morning. We then talked about different ways we're kind to our friends and how we can be kind at home by helping out our parents by cleaning up our toys. During music class, we listened to some sounds and tried to decide if they were different or the same. If we got the answer right our colorful friends would begin dancing. We ended class by sharing our favorites toys and having a mini dance party.

Dance Warm-Up With Jeff
Jeff Edmond
Age Range: K, 1, 2
Duration: 9:21

Jeff walks us through dance warm-up exercises. Great for your fitness! Musical_Theater

Fables and Stories Day 3 Week 3
Celia Vasquez
E-Learning and Virtual Summer Camp
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1
Duration: 2 hrs

We had so much fun learning about what is a morale? listen the story about 3 little pigs and talk about rhymes in the story. We had so much fun with Mr. Ian and learn about the 5 little ducks rhymes and music!

First Steps Acting Excercises with Jeff
Jeff Edmond
Musical Theater
Age Range: K, 1
Duration: 3:49

This short video will walk you through a variety of popular first steps to musical theater acting exercises. Musical_Theater

First Steps Musical Theater Performance - Friday June 14th, 2024

Age Range:

First Steps Musical Theater Performance Teus June 11th, 2024

Age Range:

First Steps Musical Theater Tues 12.3.24

Age Range:

French For Tots (Songs and Dancing)
Corinne Torres
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 25 min

Ms Corinne take us to an music adventure to learn and sing in French class with our toddler friends!

Friendship Circle Time and Rhyming
Celia Vasquez
Age Range: Pre-K, K
Duration: 56:16

This week in circle time and music we talk about the importance of friendship and how to be kind to each other. In music we talk about rhyming and play freeze dance!

Grade 4-5 Musical Theater June 10th, 2024

Age Range:

Happy Birthday (Study Time jam)

Age Range:

In Afterschool Study Time Jam time, we learned how to play Happy Birthday and performed it to a student who was celebrating their birthday. The students learned the whole song by ear. I would play a verse of the melody on piano and they would figure out what notes. This is one teaching technique I like to use to introduce students to ear training. By not using sheet music to learn the song, they are also challenging their memory skills. While this is a popular folk song across many cultures, it is still far from easy to perform on trumpet. There is an octave interval in the 3rd verse, which is a challenge even to more advanced trumpet players; even those in college!! Enjoy the performance of your kids playing Happy Birthday (Which they learned only in 20 minutes!!!! Below I have attached the music to the song in case they need a refresher on the notes and rhythms when practicing at home.

How Different and Similar We Are
Vilma Quezada
Age Range: Pre-K, K
Duration: 01:03:30

This week during circle time we learn about each other and learn how similar and different we are from our friends. During music class, we play freeze dance and listen to our favorite songs.

Imperial March Performance with Commentary

Age Range:

Here is a video of the 4th graders performing Imperial March from Star Wars on May 22nd with commentary by Mr. Camilo Molina. Note that the players demonstrated a range of musical knowledge, in addition to executing the notes on the page! Well done 4th graders!!!

Important People Day 3 Week 5
Loreto Orickento
E-Learning and Virtual Summer Camp
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1
Duration: 2 hrs

We learned about the important people in our community and how we can make a difference. We practice martial arts and sing along with Mr Ian in music class

Improv lesson 1- Bb Blues Scale

Age Range:

The students in our class have been given an introduction to music improvisation. We are learning how to play the Bb blues scale so that they can experiment with soloing using those notes! The good news is that this scale can be practiced even without an instrument!! Simply memorize the note names and trumpet valve combinations (fingerings) that go along with the notes. For a bonus, learn how to sing the scale!!! Below is a video example of the Bb Blues scale being played as well as a trumpet fingering chart to help students figure out the valve combination for each note. Happy practicing! :) --Camilo

Jeff Directing 1st Steps Beauty & The Beast
Jeff Edmond

Age Range: K, 1
Duration: 12:00

Jeff Edmond directs and blocks the opening scenes of Beauty & The Beast. The students chose the characters and dialogue and scenes were chosen from the musical.

Jurassic Park (2nd Trpt Part)

Age Range:

In this lesson you'll find the 2nd trumpet part of Jurassic Park. I want all of my Advanced Trumpet students to be able to play this part. Attached is the music part and YouTube link for audio reference. Happy practicing :)

Jurassic Park Theme (1st Trpt Part)

Age Range:

In this lesson you'll find the 1st trumpet part of Jurassic Park. I want all of my Advanced Trumpet students to be able to play this part including the solo at the top of the piece. This song is good practice for the middle register of the trumpet. Attached is the music part and YouTube link for audio reference. Happy practicing :)

Learning Rhymes in Circle Time and Different Sounds in Music Class
Vilma Quezada
Age Range: Pre-K, K
Duration: 1:03:21

Happy Friday everyone! This week during our circle time class Ms.Celia teaches us all about Ryhmes with the help from her friends. But first we begin by dancing to some of our favorite songs such as “Bunny Hop” and “Gummy Bear Song” and place some freeze dance. We talk about the weather and the days of the week and jump into a fun interactive game to teach us about rhyming. During Music class we learn about opposite sounds and play a game that requires us to listen carefully to each sound. We end our class by dancing some more and sharing our favorite toy.

Les Dinosaures et la creme glacee!
Corinne Torres

Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1
Duration: 15 minutes

In this video we’ll review counting to 20 and meet Joe Rigolo and his dinosaur friends! Review the numbers with this music video counting to 20! Then we’ll talk about how we share food and what we eat it with before reading, Joe Rigolo: Les Dinosaures et la crème glacée!

Let's count to 20!
Corinne Torres
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1
View PDF
Duration: 15 minutes

This week we’ll work with counting up to 20 so we can make a BINGO game to play with the whole family! Plan ahead by checking out this music video counting to 20! Its fun to learn a new language! Materials A string long enough to tie into a necklace Beads, maccaroni, buttons, or anything that has little holes in it to make a necklace (a total of at least 20 pieces)

Let’s Party
Ian Hayes
E-Learning and Virtual Summer Camp
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1
Duration: 30 min

Mr Ian and Mr Dan play our favorites music and a new requested song of frozen!

Lets make a Music Shaker !
Rasheka Reeves
E-Learning and Virtual Summer Camp
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1
Duration: 3:12

In this video Ms Rasheka will be making this quick and easy music shaker ! She goes to the different sounds and rhymes with house hold items! Materials: Cup or empty water bottle, pasta, beans, rice, buttons ( anything dry that can make a sound). Music is fun!

Listening Assignment- A Space Odyssey Theme

Age Range:

Here is another song the instrumental music orchestra will be featured in during the Musical Theater show this Friday at 4 pm!! Listen to it a couple of times; get in the spirit of this epic song!!

Make A Commercial with Jeff
Jeff Edmond
Musical Theater
Age Range: 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 4:30

Students brainstormed ideas for a commercial script. They wrote their commercial. Jeff Edmond Directed them through the film making process. Lawrence Rush added background music.


Age Range:

One of the many fun songs we have been learning is the popular jazz song, Moanin' composed by Benny Golson. This song features the stellar Lee Morgan on Trumpet!! Students assignment is to listen to this song several time! Attached is the sheet music for practice. Happy Practicing!!! :) P.S... Enjoy the great Art Blakey's charmful banter when announcing the song!!

Monday Matilda Vocal Lesson
Jeff Edmond

Age Range: 4, 5
Duration: 39.07

Musical Director Lawrence Rush breaks down what is needed to sing Revolting Children to the rhythm. Director Jeff Edmond adds his own tips and adds an example from his past.

Mother’s Day Circle Time and Music
Vilma Quezada
Age Range: Pre-K, K
View PDF
Duration: 1:01:41

This week during our Circle Time class we celebrate Mother’s Day! We start off by singing “Days of The Week” and seeing how the weather is. We then talk about Mother’s Day and how we celebrate it at home and made a special card for someone we cared about at home. During music class we learned about fast and slow sounds and had a chance to play a fun virtual game. We ended class with our fun Freeze Dance song.

Music With Ms. Celia
Celia Vasquez
Age Range: Pre-K
Duration: 5 min

We are going on a musical adventure! Make sure you have your binoculars ready! We start off singing “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat” and try to get away from a silly alligator, then sing Baby Shark and finally end up safe singing Mr. Sun in a nice meadow.Part of our video_library.

Musical Comedy Class Camp 2020
Jeff Edmond

Age Range: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 12:26

Musical Comedy Theatre class in action, acting, joke telling and singing. This video features Mae singing "Shy" from "Once Upon A Mattress." The ensemble sings "Heart" from "Damn Yankees." `A Blooper section is added at the end of the performance.

Musical Theater Skill Building 12/3/24

Age Range:

Musical Theater Summer Performance 7.12.24

Age Range:

Mystery Camp Presents: "The Tricksters"
Jeff Edmond
Musical Theater
Age Range: 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 13:90

A tribute to the great Alfred Hitchcock as portrayed by Leo Sheer. This show features a music video to the "PSYCHO" soundtrack.

Not So Different
Lawrence Rush
Age Range: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 20 min, 15 sec

In this video, entitled "NOT SO DIFFERENT", we compare a song from a musical with an opera aria. Using two pieces that have similar themes, in this case, wishing you could get out of your present situation and leave, we compare "Out There" from the Disney musical film "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and "Ain't it a Pretty Night" from the American 20th century opera, "Susannah" by Carlisle Floyd. Though one piece is sung by a male and the other, a female, both speak of the yearning to see the world. Also, we hear how both pieces build in intensity, though one has a gradual build to the end and the other has several builds that return to stillness and the aria ends in stillness. By comparing these pieces, I aim to show how not so different musical theater and opera can be.

Oliver Twist
Bradley Jordan
Musical Theater
Age Range:
Duration: 51:25

Oliver Twist! Performed by Musical Theater Directed by Jeff Edmond

Oompa Loompa

Age Range:

This weeks show will feature the song Oompa Loompa. Below is a video example of me playing what students are responsible of learning. Also attached is the music sheet and a YouTube link of the song being performed on Wonka. As always, we can practice even if we don't have an instrument. Simply practicing the valve fingerings with the music is fantastic! Happy practicing :)

Pirate Circle Time and Different Sounds
Vilma Quezada
Age Range: Pre-K, K
Duration: 01:01:35

This week in circle time we become pirates and go on an adventure to find the lost treasure chest! In music we listen to different sounds and try to guess what they are!

Pirates of the Caribbean THEME 2

Age Range:

This week's show involves building sandcastles on the beach, treasure hunting, and Pirates!! With the theme of pirates, it is only fitting to teach students the melody of Pirates of the Caribbean, which they will play on Friday's show!! Below is the professional recording of the song, audio of me demonstrating what the students are responsible for learning, and the sheet music for some visual aid(This lesson has audio and music for Pirates of the Caribbean Theme 2). As a reminder, students who do not own an instrument at home can still practice fingering along :) Happy Practicing!

Pirates of the Caribbean- Violin Part

Age Range:

Land Ho' Mateys!! Welcoming all ye' pirates and landlubbers to argh' performance this Friday! The music program will be performing with Musical Theater this Friday at 4pm for a treasure hunting adventure on the high seas. Let's dive right into the violin parts for this week! With your left hand, place your first finger on the third line on the G string. Keeping your left hand in place, play notes with the first finger, third finger, second finger, then first again.

 With your right hand, play each note with short, aggressive bow strokes. (Think of pirate swords clashing!) Keep the bow straight.

Practice Session - Imperial March

Age Range:

Another song featured in the showcase this Friday is the film favorite, "Imperial March." Again, you can still practice by fingering along with the music! Happy Practicing :)

Practice Session- Imperial March (2)

Age Range:

Another song featured in the showcase this Friday is the film favorite, "Imperial March." Again, you can still practice by fingering along with the music! Happy Practicing :)

Practicing Assignment- When the Saints Go Marching In

Age Range:

This week we are playing the popular American song "When The Saints Go Marching In" in our showcase performance this Friday at 4pm in collaboration with the Performing Arts Camp. It is important to listen and practice this song a few times. For those without instruments at home, you can still practice by fingering along with the music! Happy Practicing :)

Premiere: Monday Class performing scenes from Matilda The Musical
Jeff Edmond
Musical Theater
Age Range: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 18:44

Presentation of the Monday Encore class performing scenes from Matilda The Musical. They have been working since late March and did a great job!

Premiere: Scenes from Matilda Wednesday Class
Jeff Edmond
Musical Theater
Age Range: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 20:42

Presentation of the 2nd and 3rd grade classes acting out scenes and singing 2 songs from Matilda the Musical. The class has been meeting since the end of March and did a great job. Musical_Theater

Privates of the Caribbean THEME 1

Age Range:

This week's show involves building sandcastles on the beach, treasure hunting, and Pirates!! With the theme of pirates, it is only fitting to teach students the melody of Pirates of the Caribbean, which they will play on Friday's show!! Below is the professional recording of the song, audio of me demonstrating what the students are responsible for learning, and the sheet music for some visual aid(This lesson has audio and music for Pirates of the Caribbean Theme 1). As a reminder, students who do not own an instrument at home can still practice fingering along :) Happy Practicing!

Pure Imagination

Age Range:

Here is another classic song that we are excited to feature this Friday! I am teaching this song by ear. Meaning there is no music. Just focus on the notes. Good luck and have fun! :)

Skill Building Musical theater (Tues Jun 11)

Age Range:

Study of Matilda The Musical Monday class
Jeff Edmond
Musical Theater
Age Range: 4, 5
Duration: 45:20

Solos to the song "Revolting Children" are taught and a few scenes are read.

Summer Camp at PS 9!

Age Range:

This summer we're hosting eight weeks of summer camp (July 1 to August 23) and you can explore Central Park or produce an original musical each week, or hone your skills at trumpet, piano, drums, or other instruments. Sign up now for single weeks or all eight!

Summer Camp Musical Theater & Instrumental Music Performance 8/23/24

Age Range:

Witness the final performance of our 2024 summer camp! Musical theater performs wonderfully in tandem with the instrumental music groups!

Teacher class prep Matilda The Muscial
Jeff Edmond
Musical Theater
Age Range: 4, 5
Duration: 4:22

Jeff Edmond Director/acting coach and Lawrence Rush Musical Director/Vocal coach discuss the use of vocal warmups and the reading of the scenes for the upcoming study of Matilda The Musical.

Teacher prep for Matilda classes
Jeff Edmond

Age Range: 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 4:22

Jeff and Lawrence discuss the lesson plan for teaching solos and duets for the song "Revolting Children" from Matilda the Musical. Lawrence talks about the vocal exercise techniques students will practice.

The Haunted Pool! June 12th, 2024

Age Range:

The 2nd - 3rd grade class of Musical Theater performs The Haunted Pool!

The Jellybeans Love to Dance Read Aloud
Rasheka Reeves
E-Learning and Virtual Summer Camp
Age Range: Pre-K, K, 1
Duration: 2:33

In this weeks music video i'll be doing a read aloud of The Jellybeans Love to Dance by Laura Numeroff and Nate Evans.This is an introduction to next weeks class where we will be making up our own dances.

Vocal Lessons with Lawrence: Time to Sing!
Lawrence Rush
Musical Theater
Age Range: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 15 min 31 secs

Our vocal warm-up videos have gotten you prepared to sing. Now, let's learn a song from a Broadway show that you can practice and perfect at home!

Vocal Lessons with Lawrence: Vocal Warm-Up
Lawrence Rush
Age Range: 2, 3, 4, 5
Duration: 8:06

Join Lawrence Rush, our musical theater vocal coach, as he teaches you how to warm up your voice so that you can sing with a clear, bright and healthy sound.

We're All in This Together - Musical Theater Practice

Age Range:

Wednesday Matilda wrap-up with Jeff & Lawrence 4-29-20
Jeff Edmond
Musical Theater
Age Range: 2, 3
Duration: 4:12

Jeff and Lawrence talk about how the class went and what they will do next class. Musical_Theater

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown (4K)

Age Range:

The kids of Musical Theater in Arts and Athletics bring you: "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown!" Directed by Jeff Edmund.

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown (4K)

Age Range:

The kids of Musical Theater and Arts and Athletics bring you "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown!" Directed by Jeff Edmond.

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown 3.13.24
Bradley Jordan
Age Range: 2, 3
Duration: 42:22

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown the Musical! Performed by the kids of Arts & Athletics. Directed by Jeff Edmund.

Zoom Music Class with Ms. Celia and Mr. Jose
Celia Vasquez
Age Range: Pre-K
Duration: 20 min

Ms. Celia, Mr. Jose, and Ms. Vilma take the children to a musical party adventure with loads of music fun!